Sit, stay, shake hands, roll over --yeah, right!!!
Yes, it's true. Your sweet, loveable little schnookums isn't always perfect. Need some help? Below are some sites that may do the trick, if your hound won't!
Donna D'Amico's website. The 'Dog Training Articles Index' has some greyt information. The article "House Training your Dog" is especially helpful. Also check out the 'Greyhound Articles Index' while you're there.
Running with the Big Dogs
"The Gentle Art of Turning your Retired Racer into your Best Friend." Lee Livingood. In the Training and Behavior section, there's some good advice for training your dog in the "10 Easy Rules" article. There is also information on finding and hiring a professional dog trainer at this site. The articles "10 Reasons NOT to Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound" and "10 Reasons to Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound" are definitely worth a read as well.
Greyhound Companions of New Mexico
They have a very large collection of behavior and health articles on their site. Check out 'Greyhound Behavior, Parts 1-5.' Be sure to look through the Tips on Adaptation section, too. One more not-to-be-missed article: "TRUST-A Deadly Disease." Read it. Print it out and have your friends read it. Read it again later.
In the Greyt Information section, there are a couple pinned articles that are must-reads if you're having behavior problems with your dog: "Who's In Charge Here" and "Nothing in Life is Free."
I have some really good articles in my personal collection that I've saved over the years, and I'm happy to email them to you at your request (use the View my Complete Profile link at right; it has a link to my email):
Separation Anxiety
Thunderstorm Phobia
Positive Reinforcement
Up next: Random Fun Links!
Donna D'Amico's website. The 'Dog Training Articles Index' has some greyt information. The article "House Training your Dog" is especially helpful. Also check out the 'Greyhound Articles Index' while you're there.
Running with the Big Dogs
"The Gentle Art of Turning your Retired Racer into your Best Friend." Lee Livingood. In the Training and Behavior section, there's some good advice for training your dog in the "10 Easy Rules" article. There is also information on finding and hiring a professional dog trainer at this site. The articles "10 Reasons NOT to Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound" and "10 Reasons to Adopt a Retired Racing Greyhound" are definitely worth a read as well.
Greyhound Companions of New Mexico
They have a very large collection of behavior and health articles on their site. Check out 'Greyhound Behavior, Parts 1-5.' Be sure to look through the Tips on Adaptation section, too. One more not-to-be-missed article: "TRUST-A Deadly Disease." Read it. Print it out and have your friends read it. Read it again later.
In the Greyt Information section, there are a couple pinned articles that are must-reads if you're having behavior problems with your dog: "Who's In Charge Here" and "Nothing in Life is Free."
I have some really good articles in my personal collection that I've saved over the years, and I'm happy to email them to you at your request (use the View my Complete Profile link at right; it has a link to my email):
Separation Anxiety
Thunderstorm Phobia
Positive Reinforcement
Up next: Random Fun Links!